Please explain why water is a precious resource


Please explain why water is a precious resource

  •   13/05/2023 10:50:00
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Water is a valuable resource because it is essential for our basic needs. We use water for cooking, washing dishes, bathing, laundry, and daily drinking. 
Write a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres


Write a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres

  •   13/05/2023 10:11:00
  •   Viewed: 324
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Yesterday, my friend and I just returned from the realm of death, lucky to have escaped from the pile of rubble caused by a ballistic missile directly hitting our school.
Write a message to an adult about the world we live in


Write a message to an adult about the world we live in

  •   13/05/2023 09:58:00
  •   Viewed: 319
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Let us build a world through peace, through friendship, never imposing it with weapons, with the logic of the mighty, then we will receive honor, respect, and gratitude! That is the message I want to convey to you.
Write a letter to someone explaining which super powers you would need to achieve your mission


Write a letter to someone explaining which super powers you would need to achieve your mission

  •   30/04/2023 04:09:00
  •   Viewed: 323
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Imagine you are a super hero and your mission is to make all roads around the world safer for children. Write a letter to someone explaining which super powers you would need to achieve your mission.
Imagine yourself as a superhero with a mission to make all roads in the world safer for children.


Imagine yourself as a superhero with a mission to make all roads in the world safer for children.

  •   30/04/2023 03:55:00
  •   Viewed: 307
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Imagine you are a super hero and your mission is to make all roads around the world safer for children. Write a letter to someone explaining which super powers you would need to achieve your mission.
Using a phone, computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children


Using a phone, computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children

  •   17/11/2022 08:39:00
  •   Viewed: 377
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Many people, especially children prefer using phone, computer and spend most of their time on computer. While I accept that this will have positive effects on the users, I believe that they are more likely to have more harmful impacts.
Luxuries - write about some things that give you particular pleasure


Luxuries - write about some things that give you particular pleasure

  •   17/11/2022 08:36:00
  •   Viewed: 406
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There are two types of luxuries. One is the luxury of having expensive things. The other is the luxury of doing pleasurable things.
People who look for excitement and danger are foolish?


People who look for excitement and danger are foolish?

  •   13/11/2022 09:50:00
  •   Viewed: 457
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The things that people do for fun or for money are very numerous today. Some of these things are positively dangerous, but there seem to be no lack of people eager to do them.
The importance of water


The importance of water

  •   13/11/2022 09:48:00
  •   Viewed: 711
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Water is one of the most important things on earth. Every living thing needs water for its survival. Without water, plants, animals, microbes - everything, will perish.
The causes of culture shock


The causes of culture shock

  •   13/11/2022 09:47:00
  •   Viewed: 394
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Modern life is characterized not only by the conveniences made possible by technological advances but also by greater mobility in search of still greater opportunities.
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