Instructions to turn off Windows 10 updates permanently

Instructions to turn off Windows 10 updates permanently

Thursday - 09/12/2021 00:15
To disable Windows 10 updates permanently, you need to disable the Task Scheduler and turn off automatic Windows updates in Services.

Step 1: Turn off automatic Windows updates in Services

Click Start, select Windows Administrative Tools, and select Services
turn off automatic windows updates

Double click on Windows Update entry
In the Services Status: click Stop
In the Startup type: click Disabled
Click Apply and OK.

Step 2: Turn off the Task Scheduler

Click Start, select Windows Administrative Tools, and select Task Scheduler
turn off thetask scheduler

Click the arrow > select Microsoft select Windows select WindowsUpdate
Right-click on Schedule Start and select Disabled

Through the above two steps, make sure that Windows 10 updates have been permanently disabled.

Or you can also download the tool below to disable updates.
Attach files

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