How to install desktop interface for Ubuntu server

How to install desktop interface for Ubuntu server

Saturday - 27/01/2024 11:04
If you are bored with the Ubuntu server command window interface. Then let's switch to the desktop interface for intuitiveness. And customize like a real desktop.
To install the desktop interface for the Ubuntu server, in the command window, type: 
sudo apt install gnome-session
Press Y to accept the desktop interface settings

To set the default desktop interface, type the command:
sudo update-alternatives --config gdm3.css

Then log out of the currently logged in account with the command: Logout

After the server restarts, it will go straight to the desktop interface. Now you can click instead of typing commands.

To switch to the command book interface, press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + F4, return to the desktop interface, press: Ctrl + Alt + F7​​​​

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