

Download Microsoft Office 2016 for free

Download Microsoft Office 2016 for free

 00:18 18/01/2024

If you have become familiar with Word 2010 the transition to Word 2016 should be seamless. There are only a few minor changes that have been introduced in Word 2016. The following are some of the new features to Microsoft Word 2016.
Download Microsoft Office 2010 for free

Download Microsoft Office 2010 for free

 23:06 17/01/2024

Office 2010 includes a range of features that will support the daily activities of each of these users. The consistent look and feel of the Ribbon helps ensure that users are comfortable and confident working with any of the Office applications.
Instructions for opening all working windows in Word, Excel

Instructions for opening all working windows in Word, Excel

 07:55 13/11/2022

Current office versions now offer the ability to switch between work windows via the View \ Switch windows tab. However, this function is inconvenient for those who are used to displaying all the open files on the Taskbar.
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